Treatment Services: Japanese Beetles

Japanese Beetle Treatment

Although native to Japan and not overly destructive in it's homeland due to natural predators, Japanese beetles have become a considerable nuisance in the United States.

In it's larval stage of development the Japanese beetle feeds on your lawn. Upon maturity however, they skeletonize your plants.

Below is a list of common host plants that adult beetles feed on. These plants are likely the ones in your back yard. You can also see from the photo they are pretty efficient eaters and reproducers for that matter :-)

  • Rose Bush
  • Birch Tree
  • Arborvitae
  • Morning Glory
  • Crape Myrtle

In the Charlotte North Carolina region, treatment for Japanese beetles should be completed through the months of May, June and July. Typical treatments are done twice during this period. Our application will address all of your trees & shrubs because at this stage they are nearing maturity and will be found feeding on the host plants mentioned above.

What NOT to do: Beetles attract more beetles so the old home remedy of pharemone traps and other "attract & trap" techniques are simply not effective and can compound your problem. If you're experiencing high volumes of beetles or want to prevent beetle infeastation you're best bet is to spray for them. Give us a call to schedule your treatment.

Our Service Fees

Our fees to treat for Japanese beetles can be purchased in any on of 3 ways.

  1. Per Application:$75.00 up to 1/3 acre
  2. Per Season: 2 Applications $120.00 up to 1/3 acre
  3. Combination Beetle & Mosquito Seasonal Application: $427 up to to 1/3 acre
    Includes 2 Beetle and 6 Mosquito applications between May & October
    Discounted 38% from the per application price for all 8 treatments

If your property is greater than 1/3 acre please Give us a call for a quick quote, we'll be happy to let you know what the charge will be for treating your outdoor paradise.

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